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Dentioral BLOG | 2024-01-02

Who are candidates for dental implants?

Dental implants are an excellent option for those who have lost one or more teeth and want a permanent and long-lasting solution. However, not everyone is a candidate for its placement. In this article, we will discuss the different factors that can affect a person’s eligibility for dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Advances in dentistry in Medellín have made it possible to consider the placement of dental implants. These are a solution for tooth loss that involves the placement of an artificial titanium root in the maxillary or mandibular bone. Once the implant has integrated with the bone, an artificial tooth (dental crown) is placed on top of the implant to restore the function and appearance of the natural teeth.

The reason for its popularity in dentistry in Medellin lies in the fact that, unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are a permanent, long-lasting solution that looks and feels like natural teeth.

Who are the candidates for dental implants?

As we discussed in the introduction, not all of us are candidates for dental implants. The easiest way to find out if it is a viable option for you, you should go to your dental specialist in Medellin. Dentists take into account the following factors to determine if a patient is a candidate for dental implants:

Initial Assessment

Before you consider dental implants, it is important to have a thorough evaluation by a dentist to determine if the patient is a good candidate. During this evaluation, the dentist will examine the overall health of the patient’s mouth and teeth, the quality and quantity of bone available to support the implants and the overall health of the patient.

Age and overall health

There is no age limit for dental implants, but the ideal candidate should be in good overall health and not have any medical conditions that may affect the healing or placement of implants. If the patient has health problems, the dentist can work in combination with the patient’s doctor to determine if the implants are safe.

Oral Health

Oral health is a critical factor in eligibility for dental implants. If the patient has periodontal disease or an active infection, it should be treated before any implant procedure is performed. Oral health is also important after implant placement to prevent peri-implantitis, an infection around the implant.

Quantity and quality of bone

To place dental implants, enough bone is needed in the jaw or jawbone. If the bone is weakened or has suffered significant loss, a bone graft may be needed to build the bone before implants are placed.

Personal Habits

Personal habits, such as excessive smoking and drinking, can affect the body’s ability to heal after surgery. Patients who smoke should quit before the implant procedure to improve their chances of success. In addition, the patient must commit to maintaining proper oral hygiene after implant placement.

What is the evaluation process for dental implants?

Oral health assessment consists of the following phases:

Medical record

The dentist will take the patient’s medical record into account to detect any medical conditions that may affect the surgery. It is important to inform the dentist about any medications you are taking, allergies, chronic diseases or clotting problems, as they may affect the healing process after surgery.

Thorough dental examination

The dentist will perform a complete dental exam, which will include checking the teeth, gums, and jaw and jaw bones. Look for signs of periodontal disease, cavities, active infections, and other dental problems.

Part of this test involves taking x-rays to evaluate the amount and quality of bone available in the area where the implant will be placed. X-rays are also used to detect any bone structure problems that may affect the success of surgery.

Models of study

Study models may be taken from the patient’s mouth to help the dentist plan implant placement. Models are used to create a detailed treatment plan that includes the exact location of the implant, size, and shape.

Design your smile at DentiOral!

At DentiOral we are experts in smile design in Medellín. Visit our website to find our nearest branch. If you need more information, call us at +57 604 444 8911.